Tim L. Heller

Academic background

M.Sc. in Evolutionary, Ecology and Systematics at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität.
Thesis: Tracing Evolutionary Pathways in Cryptoblepharus Skinks: Genomic Reconstruction of Human-Mediated Hybridization in an Island Radiation

B.Sc. in Biology at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität with focus on Evolutionary Biology.
Thesis: A morphological analysis of the cryptic Madatyphlops arenarius (Serpentes: Scolecophidia s.s.: Typhlopidae) complex



Evolutionary Biologist &
Wildlife Photographer

Key competences

Advanced knowledege in Linux bash, R (incl. multiple models and statistical approaches), phylogenetic softwares (with Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood algorithms), population genetics (STRUCTURE, ADMIXTURE, statistics), graphic software (Photoshop, Lightroom, ImageJ, Fiji).
Basic knowledge in Python, LaTeX, Clusters, Ecological Niche Modelling, organismic networks,


All necessary steps from DNA extraction to PCR, DNA purification, library preparation, metabarcoding protocols, in vitro micropropagation of plants, sterile work, microbiological work, husbandry of various invertebrates

Field Studies

Over a decade experience in photography (macro & wildlife), participated in and guided many arachnological and herpetological excursions (incl. capturing and detection techniques), advanced medical first response, and excursion planning.


Experience in herpetological and arachnological integrative taxonomy (ecological, morphological & molecular), digital scientific sketching, behavioral studies, microscopy techniques, and preservation & preparation of vertebrates and invertebrates.